Missy Barkin
Missy Barkin has been actively involved in Pink Aid since 2012 when she walked in the second Warrior Fashion show and fundraiser. She has served as co-chair of the Grants committee for the past 3 years. Since she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2008, she has made it her mission to help those less fortunate have the same level of support that she personally experienced. Driven by her compassion she has worked for the Bennett Cancer Center at Stamford Hospital creating and supporting wellness services for patients undergoing treatment. She has been engaged since 2008 with Hope in Motion and Paint the town Pink, both fundraisers which support cancer patients at Stamford Hospital. Missy graduated from Binghamton University with a BS in finance and worked in the financial world. She is married with two children and splits her time between Boynton Beach, FL and Stamford, CT.