Pink Aid’s Survivor Network
Part of Pink Aid’s mission is “to empower breast cancer survivors to heal by helping and inspiring others.” Pink Aid’s Warrior Connection is open to all breast cancer survivors, or “warriors” as we call them, who want to join the Pink Aid family to get involved and “pay it forward.”
Through the Warrior Connection, you will meet fellow breast cancer survivors and share information, stories and a community of support.
Each spring, the Warrior Connection hosts a large educational event to keep Warriors up-to-date on all current topics and new developments in breast health in an intimate forum.
This year's 2024 Warrior Talk “From the Front Lines on Breast Cancer" will be on Thursday, June 13th.

Warrior Connection:
Lifestyle, Early Detection, Genetics & Prevention
Updates in Genetics; The Latest Developments & New Therapeutic Avenues:
with Dr. Richard Zelkowitz, Regional Medical Director, Hartford Healthcare,
St. Vincent’s Hospital and Susan R Capasso, Genetic Counselor, MS, EdD, CGC
New Findings in Leading a Healthy Breast Cancer Lifestyle; The Maurer Foundation:
with Lauren Fisch-Henry, The Maurer Foundation for Breast Health Education, Senior Breast Health Educator

A Conversation on Breast Surgery & the implications for Breast Cancer Warriors of Infectious Disease with Medical Experts Dr. Zane Saul, MD, Chief of Infectious Disease at Bridgeport Hospital/ Yale New Haven Health and Dr. Brigid Killelea, MD, a Breast Surgery Specialist in Bridgeport, CT.

Warrior connection:
More than ever it was important to bring you the most up to date information, and to allow everyone a space to connect and ask questions in a safe environment!
A HUGE thank you to our frontline heroes Dr. Andrew Anson, Dr. Michael Cohenuram and Dr. Zane Saul. We were so fortunate to have the gift of their time and expertise - their compassion did a lot to ease the concerns of the participants.

warrior connection:
Breast Cancer Genetics & Genomics
Pink Aid Supporters & Survivors joined for a morning of bonding and great conversation led by Featured Guest Speaker Linda T. Vahdat, MD MBA on Breast Cancer Genetic & Genomics.
What are the new developments in genetic testing we need to be aware of? What are the most promising new treatment developments?

warrior connection:
managing the fear of recurrence in every day life?
Pink Aid Supporters & Survivors joined featured Guest Speaker: Richard S. Zelkowitz, as he discussed the newest treatment protocols for premenopausal and post menopausal women? How do I keep my bones in optimal health? What does new data regarding sexual health reveal?