National Partnership opportunities
Align Your Organization With A Uniquely Compassionate Mission

Countless Breast Cancer Patients Face Financial Crisis.
Only Pink Aid provides rapid emergency financial assistance
to breast cancer patients across the U.S.
pink aid has helped over 30,000
breast cancer patients battling poverty while battling the disease

Breast Cancer Can Destroy a Family Financially
THE Impact of Financial toxicity
Along with the toxicity of chemotherapy, the extra costs of cancer treatment and/or loss of family income often lead to "financial toxicity," as unaffordable bills create stress, anxiety and hopelessness. Pink Aid helps patients focus on healing, rather than on the financial burden, so that they can keep their families functional and on track.
Pink Aid keeps the lights on and food on the table.
FACT: 1 in 8 women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime
FACT: Per a February 2023 study by JAMA*, over 30% of breast cancer patients in the United States will face “financial toxicity”
FACT: Between 20-30% of women diagnosed with Breast Cancer will lose their jobs
FACT: 78% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck
FACT: African-American women are more likely to die of breast cancer, largely due to later diagnoses, lack of education and poverty
Pink Aid helps families with household incomes below the poverty level. For example we support families of 4 with an annual household income of $30k - $60k or below.
For more information on National Partnerships with Pink Aid, contact Susan Robinson,
Align your brand
with a uniquely compelling mission
national partnership opportunities
Following are examples of how your partnership dollars can be used.
Our team is happy to customize a program that aligns with your mission.
$100,000: Power Partner Help 1,000 patients across 50 States keep their lights and power on.
$50,000: Food Card Partner Help 1,000 patients across 50 States feed their families with 1,000 Food Cards.
$25,000: Transportation Partner Help 500 patients across the country get to treatment with gas or Uber cards.
$10,000: Rent Partner Help 20 families at risk of eviction make rent payments.
Contact Pink Aid's Corporate Development Team to create a high profile partnership program that aligns with your brand, inspiring customers and employees alike. The sky is the limit! Consider a national co-branded campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month (or year round!) to make an even larger impact.
To encourage employee awareness and engagement, Microsoft give partnered with Pink Aid. Microsoft staff members across the country trained virtually with Pink Aid to review and evaluate applications from patients in need. Microsoft made and matched donations for each hour spent. Participants also created their own personal fundraising events.

Interested in providing breast cancer patients with rides to treatment, the national car dealership sponsored a proprietary program, helping with car payments, gas and Uber gift cards for qualifying patients.

For more information on National Partnerships with Pink Aid, contact Susan Robinson,
National Partnership Levels

Ensure that Pink Aid continues to provide compassionate support and emergency financial assistance to underserved breast cancer patients and their families by making a 3-year, 5-year or long-term commitment. We will work with your company to develop a program that's right for you. Please contact Susan Robinson:
long-term Commitment programs:
invest in the growth of pink aid!
Over 30% of breast cancer patients in the United States will face financial toxicity.*
This trend will continue for the foreseeable future.
Over 30% of breast cancer patients in the United States will face financial toxicity.*
This trend will continue for the foreseeable future.
Ensure that Pink Aid will be able to continue to provide compassionate support and emergency financial assistance to under-served breast cancer patients and their families for years to come.
2-5 year Commitment
Our Corporate Partnership Team will work directly with your company or foundation to develop a Continued Giving program that aligns with your charitable mission. A 2-5 year commitment from your company or foundation will help us raise the current amount we can offer in assistance to each patient from $250 to $500 or even $1000.
Some of the ways we can partner with you include:
- Customized Employee Engagement Program (ie. Pink Aid will train your team to review applications from patients across the country seeking financial assistance).
- Use of Pink Aid logo and mission statement on your company's website and marketing materials as a committed supporter.
- Customized Signature Program, (ie. "A Commitment to Keeping Food on the Table" Food Card Program or "A Commitment to Keeping Friends & Families in Touch" Phone Card Program).
- Company spotlight in Pink Ink Newsletter with reach of 3,500 households.
- Listing as High Level Donor on Pink Aid website for duration of commitment
5+ year CommitmentS
Our Corporate Partnership Team will work directly with your company or foundation to develop a Continued Giving program that aligns with your charitable mission.
Some of the ways we can partner with you include:
- Zoom Virtual Roundtable showcasing the power of women coming together to spread compassion. Invite your employees to hear inspirational first hand accounts from women who have been helped by Pink Aid as they share their journey.
- Customized Employee Engagement Program (ie. Pink Aid will train your team to review applications from patients across the country seeking financial assistance).
- Company name included and acknowledged in letters going out to Nurse Navigators and patients in local areas.
- Co-branding /cross marketing through the month of October**
- Logo and acknowledgment on yearly Pink Aid video
- Listing at Highest Donor Level on Pink Aid website
**Must be created in conjunction with Pink Aid and follow brand guidelines.
For more information on National Partnerships with Pink Aid, contact Susan Robinson,
from pink aid recipients across the nation
Pink Purse is Pink Aid's signature national program, providing emergency financial assistance to breast cancer patient's in need.
For more information on National Partnerships with Pink Aid, contact Susan Robinson,