Non-Financial Help For Breast Cancer Patients in Need
At Pink Aid, we understand that while battling breast cancer, finances can be extremely tight and personal situations can be extremely trying.
Pink Aid’s Pink Posse is a group of volunteer Warriors and friends who help breast cancer patients in dire need by delivering bags of compassion to local area hospitals for immediate distribution to patients. These patients are battling breast cancer. They are also struggling with finances, childcare and personal situations that can be extremely trying.

By “help,” this could mean sitting with a patient during treatment, dropping off a meal or donating some gently used household products (linens, towel, etc.). We will evaluate each patient’s individual needs and respond appropriately.
If you need additional non-financial support during treatment, ask your nurse navigator to refer you to Pink Posse.
To volunteer in Connecticut with the Pink Posse please contact Sharon Finkel: or Marji Kaplowitz:
Donate now to the Pink Posse.

From a Pink Posse recipient:
I recently visited Gardeners House a few days before my Double Mastectomy. The head of the organization, Maggie Gardener provided me with a pink bag that contained the essential items that I needed for my hospital stay including the special soap that was required. She even took the time out of her busy schedule to share her own experiences with me and to lift my spirits. I left her office feeling prepared and ready for the surgery...
- Pauline Williams